Sunday, June 9, 2013

Just be...

-- Kind. to yourself and to one another. I know many of you just ended your school year just a few days ago. With very little time to rest and recharge you are here and ready to study. Be proud of your commitment to your students and to your own personal growth. Take care of yourself – eat well, get sleep, check in on your friends and classmates.
-- Disciplined. You will be doing a semester of work in 7 days. With no time to procrastinate you will see how you can expand your capacity to meet this challenge. Work hard now because the end result is worth it.
-- Reflective. Take time to reflect on the work you are doing and how it will improve your practice. Listen to your classmates – we learn so much from sharing our experiences. At the end of this journey reflect upon what you learned about one another, your students, and yourself.

Also, just be…
·      mindful of the children on campus
·      paperless when possible
·      conscientious about keeping your classroom trash free

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