Sunday, July 1, 2018

2nd Annual Storytelling Night

We will be hosting our second annual Storytelling night on Wednesday, July 4, 2018.  
Over eight TCNJ storytellers are signed up and more are welcome!

Wednesday, July 4, 2018
7:30 p.m.

Fat Tap
Ekkamai 16 (about a 20 minute walk after getting off at the Ekkamai BTS stop)

Food and drink specials will be offered!

If you would like to sign up to tell a 6-8 minute story, please see Ray Lauk.  You are welcome to tell any story of your choosing.

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

How to Apply for Certification

Our certification officer has streamlined the process of applying for certification. If you follow the link below you will see that you now complete forms on line and upload forms and test scores. It is a relatively easy process.

Monday, June 18, 2018

911: Info Needed

Please be sure to complete your Emergency Contact Forms. 
Your instructor will have them available for you. 

Come Out and Play

One of our fellow students, Nickolas Harris, is working on getting pick-up soccer games organized. 

When: Tuesday and Thursday between 4-6p
Where: The giant field next that you stare at longingly while in class.

If you are interested, please contact Nick ( and let him know:

1. That you are interested (he is collecting a head count)
2. Which days of the week would you prefer?
(I am thinking about proposing Tuesday/Thursday, and people can choose to come one to two days a week).

2018 Photo Sharing

Every year we create a collaborative folder to share photos from throughout the sessions. If you take photos at school or at excursions or events or just hanging out, please share them here. We typically use them for a little slide show at commencement.

here is the link for our shared folder:

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Certification UPDATE: No more excessive paperwork!

We have a new system for completing your application for certification and it is all 21st century like on line!

Here is the web site:

This site has all the forms you need and an easy way to upload them and check the status of your application. 

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Pink forms, Health tests and other info!!!

Our certification office has streamlined quite a few procedures. Among them is the way in which we submit our certification applications (aka pink forms). Take a look at this link to find the forms you might be looking for

Summer, 2018!

Check out our courses for Summer, 2018!