Friday, July 10, 2015

Commencement 2015

Master's grads
Prima tells us the secret to success in the program.
Prima, Preeti, Francis, Maha, Brian


Ain't No Stoppin' Us Now

Ryan performs

Dr. Lattanzi with Preeti and Francis

Dr. Lattanzi with Brian

Dr. Amtzis

Dr. Monroe with Pia

Lisa speaks to her classmates

Matt admits he didn't do his readings through song.

Colleen, Rachael, Holly, Eric

Ryan and Tab

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

2016 Bangkok Dates

It is here before you know it.

Session I: Thursday, June 16 to Friday, June 24
Session II: Monday, June 27 to Tuesday, July 5
Session III: Wednesday, July 6 to Thursday, July 14

Graduation would be on the afternoon of the 14th

Monday, July 6, 2015

How to Apply for Graduation!

If you are like most of your classmates you just aren't sure whether or not you actually applied for graduation. If you want to apply or unsure if you did, please open the following link and follow these steps.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

A few class pictures



July 4th BBQ at TCNJ BKK

Dominick on the grill.

Nicole getting set up.

Getting some lunch

Even Dominick's wife Becky helped out. By the way, the yummy potato salad was made by her mom.

Pia and baby Underwood:)

Future school leaders

Happy family

the best of the Davis clan;)

Discussing theory over lunch

Ask Monika what to do if you want a burger but there are only hot dog buns left.

Joey making a burger run

What da what?

Matt is really happy about burgers

Happy faces

No worries Aimee, Pia has her.

Don't make Jenny use this chip.

People watching

baby Palooza


Jenny has an admirer

Friday, July 3, 2015

Bring me your pink forms, pink forms, pink forms...

If you think you will be completing your certification between now and next summer, please let me take a completed pink form back to TCNJ for you.

Return of Massages -- this Wednesday!

This Wednesday, July 8th, just in time to de-stress before your final set of final papers and exams!
Sign up here

Muay Thai Boxing -- July 4th!

If you are interested in going to Lumpinee Boxing Stadium (about 20 minutes away) on Saturday to watch some Muay Thai there is a group leaving from Siam Piman hotel at 4pm via hailed taxis.
First fight starts at 4:30 and and the last fight ends at 8:30.  Ring side seats can be purchased at the stadium for 2000 baht.