Thursday, July 25, 2013

Which Praxis Exam Do I Need to Take?

The question of which exam to take comes up very frequently. In the midst of all of the coursework, forms, and fees I can understand why it feels overwhelming. The best resource for this information comes directly from the ETS website
Scroll down until you see this:
Then, click on the link for "tests for each area of certification". You should be able to find your grade level and content area.

Good luck!

Thursday, July 4, 2013


On this wonderful 5th day of July, 2013 I thank you and congratulate you on a job well done! Please don't hesitate to contact me between now and next summer if you have any questions about your program.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Internet Woes

What the...proxy?...grrr...but, my project...gah!

 As many of you know, getting on the Internet this morning has not been easy. One quick fix for Mac users might be to try Firefox or Chrome (in lieu of Safari). Also, check your proxy settings and check the box that makes finding your source automatic. Pang, Ino, and Yod will try and help everyone out when they can. They are also quite busy with graduation preparations today so if you don't see them, please know that they are working hard on your behalf. They just may not be in the office some of the time today.
We are very sorry this happened today and we realize this is bad timing. Hang in there.
And, if any of you are tech savvy and have other ideas please put them in the comments area on this post.

Sending loving kindness to our General Seminar Class.

chokh dī

As many of you know there are a group of students who will sit for their comprehensive exams tomorrow morning. They have worked very hard for three years and it culminates in this exercise where they articulate their beliefs and knowledge in writing. It is so much more than answering a few questions in four hours though. This process -- all three years -- is a demonstration of commitment to children and schools and families. If you see one of these "academic siblings" send good thoughts their way.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Massages Today!

You can choose either a traditional Thai head and neck massage or Tabitha can give you her special foot massage (pictured above).

Comic Relief for Session 3

See if you can apply what you are learning to this perspective.

Hot Topics Related to Children and Parents

This year the EPSY 523 classes did some informal research about a variety of topics related to Child and Adolescent Development. Resources related to these topics can be found on the "Hot Topics" blog. If you are interested in submitting something to the blog, please send it to Tabitha ( Our only request is that when you say the phrase "Hot Topics" you sing it. For more instruction about how to do this, please click here

Then, I invite you -- encourage you to visit the "Hot Topics" blog